ben d. stanley

About Author


Ben D. Stanley

Small town boy meets the world is an apt description of my life’s journey. Land of Lincoln and bastion of much of the best of old America, a small town in central Illinois was all I knew as a boy. My window to the outside world was the stately old building with gothic columns that served as the town’s library. With an old Civil War uniform in the corner and the history of hosting a speech by Abraham Lincoln before his famous debate in nearby Galesburg, it seemed an imposing place. Untold hours spent there would stoke the curiosity and dreams to see a world beyond the flat cornfields and farms beyond its walls.

Flash forward to life as an older man. After moving west and thirty-some years of marriage to a good woman who unexpectedly passed away, I suddenly found myself with a grown family and solid life, but more unfulfilled dreams and curiosity than ever.

Getting remarried to a lovely woman in Jakarta Indonesia, living and operating a business in Malaysia for 15 years, and traveling extensively throughout Asia and southern Africa has been an education greater than I could have ever imagined. Throughout it all, the commonality of all mankind has shown through. The inescapable constant is all people in all places desire the same, and all people deserve the same. Yet, no matter where you look you see few attain what they are seeking in life. Why is that so, and what can be done to help in that regard? That is the goal and message of all I desire to write. That is its mission, that is its purpose.

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